Gre powerprep test 1 verbal 2 solution
Gre powerprep test 1 verbal 2 solution

What next?Ģ.DO NOT prepare blindly without knowing your own skills.ĮTS gives you either 2 or 3 verbal sections in the test. So now we have gauged our enemy and can prepare for battle accordingly. You should learn the pattern of the test and know it well enough to ‘deep-sleep talk’ it if asked. You will also be able to experience the exact pattern of the test, the question types and the kind of words you will encounter. This diagnostic test will give you a preview into what ETS tests are like and is also the most accurate mock test when it comes to resembling the actual GRE. Chances are, you may realize it is not a monster after all.

gre powerprep test 1 verbal 2 solution


Take a full length ETS mock test, not to see how good you are but to see how bad the test could get. The importance of taking a mock test cannot be emphasized enough. Who are we tackling? What weapons do they have, and what weapons should we load in our arsenal? There is one way to find that out. Are we dealing with a hundred ogres with spiked chains or a thousand lilliputian that you can easily trample upon? Before we head off to war, we need to know the strength of our enemy. Here are some GRE prep tips on cracking the verbal sections on the GRE?

gre powerprep test 1 verbal 2 solution

A slightly less common problem are the questions themselves – the strategies involved and the twisted nature of questions. A common reason is the seemingly insurmountable, endless vocabulary. Several people find the verbal section of the GRE extremely daunting.

Gre powerprep test 1 verbal 2 solution